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Japanese Sophora bench

A bench, an ode to the beauty of the golden rain tree. The top of the bench is made of Japanese pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum), which has a distinct and strong caramel coloured pattern when oiled. The tree we used was cut down, because it got in the way of a new building that Luka was the project manager for. Usually the wood is sent to villages for burning but once we found out about the material, we managed to get it for our use. The legs are made of a split pine tree log that we found when walking around in Vake park, Tbilisi in March 2021. Cut down during forest maintenance, the beautiful and big pine logs were mostly likely going to be sold as firewood. So we decided to take a few nicer pieces for ourselves, for future use. After splitting we burned the wood, because that is just very fun to do.

Technical information:

The bench is made of Japanese pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum), cut down for real estate development. The bench legs are split pine logs cut during the Vake park maintenance.

This piece is available.

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