Royal Game of Ur
The Royal Game of Ur was discovered by archeologist Sir Leonard Woolley and is dated to c. 2600 – c. 2400 BC, making it one of the oldest game boards in the world, predating both backgammon and chess and has very simple rules.
The white checkers are lithographic limestone, which we found from an abandoned Soviet factory in Algeti, Georgia. Georgia is rich with minerals and a variety of stones that were mined during the Soviet period (for example arsenic, barite, dentonite, coal, copper, diatomite, lead, manganese and many more). After the collapse of the Soviet Union,and following the chaos of the civil war, most of those factories were shutdown, machinery was sold and they stand abandoned til this day. We found this factory following our friend's advice.
Black checkers are obsidian (natural volcanic glass) from Armenia.
Learn how to play.
"Irving Finkel Teaches the Game of Ur"
Technical information:
The board is made out of beech wood, painted with oil paint and finished with boiled linseed oil. Light checkers are made out of limestone core samples for an abandoned quarry in Algeti, dark checkers are made out of granite from West Georgia, near Tsaishi village.